Clean and Green: The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Cleaning

In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of the impact of cleaning products on our health and the environment. With the rise of eco-consciousness, green cleaning has become a popular alternative to traditional cleaning methods. But what exactly is green cleaning? In this article, we will explore the definition of green cleaning, its benefits, and some tips for incorporating it into your cleaning routine.

What Is Green Cleaning?

Green cleaning refers to the use of cleaning products and methods that are environmentally friendly and promote health and safety. Unlike traditional cleaning products, which often contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both our health and the environment, green cleaning products are non-toxic, biodegradable, and made from renewable resources.

Benefits of Green Cleaning

There are several benefits to adopting a green cleaning routine. First and foremost, green cleaning products are safer for your health. Traditional cleaning products often contain chemicals that can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system, and even cause long-term health problems with prolonged exposure. Green cleaning products, on the other hand, are made from natural ingredients that are less likely to cause harm.

In addition to being safer for your health, green cleaning products are also better for the environment. Traditional cleaning products can have a negative impact on the air and water quality, as well as contribute to the overall pollution of the planet. Green cleaning products are less harmful to the environment, as they are biodegradable and made from sustainable resources.

Another benefit of green cleaning is that it can save you money in the long run. While green cleaning products may seem more expensive upfront, they tend to last longer and require less frequent use than traditional cleaning products. Additionally, green cleaning methods often involve the use of reusable cleaning tools, such as microfiber cloths, which can also save you money over time.

How to Incorporate Green Cleaning Into Your Routine

Making the switch to green cleaning can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips for incorporating green cleaning into your routine:

1. Read the Labels

When shopping for cleaning products, read the labels carefully to ensure that they are environmentally friendly and non-toxic. Look for products that are certified by organizations such as Green Seal or the EPA's Safer Choice program.

2. Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Many green cleaning products can be made at home using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Not only is this an affordable option, but it also allows you to control exactly what goes into your cleaning products.

3. Use Reusable Cleaning Tools

Instead of using disposable cleaning tools like paper towels, opt for reusable options like microfiber cloths. These can be washed and reused multiple times, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run.

4. Use Less Water

Traditional cleaning methods often involve using large amounts of water, which can be wasteful. Green cleaning methods, on the other hand, often involve using less water and more concentrated cleaning solutions.

5. Consider Hiring a Green Cleaning Service

If you don't have the time or inclination to do your own green cleaning, consider hiring a green cleaning service. These services use environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods to clean your home or office.

6. Dispose of Cleaning Products Properly

When disposing of cleaning products, make sure to follow proper disposal guidelines. Many cleaning products cannot be disposed of in the regular trash and must be taken to a hazardous waste disposal facility.

7. Spread the Word

Encourage others to adopt green cleaning practices by sharing your own experiences and tips. The more people who adopt green cleaning, the greater the positive impact it will have on the environment and our health.


Green cleaning is a simple yet effective way to promote health and safety while also reducing our impact on the environment. By making small changes to our cleaning routines, we can make a big difference in the world around us. Whether you choose to make your own cleaning products or hire a green cleaning service, every step towards green cleaning helps to create a more sustainable future for all of us.

Transform your home into a clean and happy space with Deez Cleaning Services' top-notch cleaning services in Utah. Book now and let our expert cleaners take care of all your cleaning needs. Experience the joy of a spotless home and schedule your cleaning today!

Professional Cleaning Services: Benefits for Office Spaces

Maintaining a clean and tidy workplace is crucial for businesses of all sizes. A clean office not only creates a welcoming environment for employees and guests but also enhances the productivity and efficiency of the workforce.

However, with busy work schedules and tight deadlines, it can be challenging for employees to keep up with cleaning tasks. This is where a professional office cleaning service can step in and provide numerous benefits. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of hiring a professional office cleaning service.

Professionalism and Expertise

One of the primary benefits of hiring a professional office cleaning service is their professionalism and expertise. Professional cleaners are trained and skilled in the cleaning and maintenance of office spaces. They have the knowledge, expertise, and equipment required to clean and sanitize all areas of the workplace effectively. They can also provide customized cleaning solutions based on your business needs and preferences.

Time and Cost Savings

Hiring a professional office cleaning service can be cost-effective in the long run. By outsourcing cleaning tasks, you can save time and money by reducing the workload on your employees. It can also reduce the risk of costly equipment damage or accidents due to improper cleaning techniques. Additionally, a clean and well-maintained office can help reduce employee absenteeism due to illness, resulting in cost savings for the business.

Improved Health and Safety

A clean and hygienic workplace is essential for the health and safety of employees and visitors. Professional office cleaners use specialized cleaning products and techniques to ensure that all surfaces, equipment, and facilities are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. This can help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria, reducing the risk of illnesses and infections in the workplace.

Enhanced Productivity and Morale

A clean and organized workplace can enhance employee productivity and morale. A clutter-free workspace enables employees to focus better on tasks and reduces distractions, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Additionally, a clean and well-maintained office can create a positive work environment that can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.

Customized Cleaning Solutions

Professional office cleaning services offer customized cleaning solutions based on the specific needs of your business. They can tailor their services to your schedule and requirements, ensuring that cleaning tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. This can help minimize disruption to your daily operations and ensure that your workplace is always clean and well-maintained.

Environmentally-Friendly Cleaning Practices

Professional office cleaning services are increasingly adopting environmentally-friendly cleaning practices. They use eco-friendly cleaning products and equipment that are safe for both the environment and human health. This can help reduce the carbon footprint of your business and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability to your employees, clients, and stakeholders.

Expertise in Specialized Cleaning Services

Some professional office cleaning services specialize in specific cleaning services, such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, or floor care. By hiring a specialized cleaning service, you can ensure that these tasks are completed to a high standard by professionals with the required expertise and equipment. This can help extend the lifespan of your carpets, windows, and floors, saving your business money in the long run.


Hiring a professional office cleaning service can provide numerous benefits for your business, including professionalism and expertise, time and cost savings, improved health and safety, enhanced productivity and morale, customized cleaning solutions, environmentally-friendly cleaning practices, and expertise in specialized cleaning services. By outsourcing cleaning tasks to professionals, you can ensure that your workplace is always clean, well-maintained, and welcoming for employees and visitors.

Looking for exceptional janitorial commercial services in Utah? Look no further than Deez Cleaning Services! Contact us today to schedule your home or office cleaning and experience the joy of a clean space.

8 Individuals Who Can Benefit from Deep Cleaning Services

Hiring a residential cleaning service is a wise decision for many people who want to maintain a clean and healthy living environment without the hassle and time-consuming nature of doing it themselves. This blog post will discuss eight types of people who can benefit from hiring residential deep cleaning services. If you find yourself in one or more of these categories, consider investing in a professional deep cleaning service for your home.

1. Busy Professionals

Busy professionals who work long hours often struggle to find time for household chores. There's little time left for cleaning between meetings, conference calls, and business trips. A residential cleaning service can help alleviate the burden of maintaining a clean home, giving busy professionals more time to focus on their careers and enjoy their free time without worrying about tidying up.

2. Parents with Young Children

Parents with young children know the challenges of keeping a home clean. From spills and accidents to constant toy clutter, maintaining a tidy living space can feel like a never-ending battle. Hiring a residential cleaning service can provide a much-needed break and help parents maintain a healthier environment for their little ones to grow up in.

3. Elderly Individuals

As people age, mobility and energy levels may decrease, making it difficult to keep up with household chores and cleaning tasks. A residential cleaning service can assist elderly individuals in maintaining a clean and comfortable living environment without risking injury or overexertion.

4. People with Allergies or Asthma

Dust, pet dander, and other allergens can accumulate quickly, making it difficult for those with respiratory issues to breathe comfortably in their homes. A professional cleaning service can help keep allergens at bay and create a healthier environment for individuals who are sensitive to these irritants.

5. Homeowners Preparing to Sell Their Home

When preparing to put a home on the market, cleanliness and presentation are key factors in attracting potential buyers. Hiring a residential deep cleaning service can ensure that your home is spotless and appealing to prospective buyers, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

6. Individuals Recovering from Surgery or Illness

Recovering from surgery or a prolonged illness can be challenging, and maintaining a clean home may not be a top priority. In these situations, hiring a residential cleaning service can provide a clean and comfortable environment for recovery, allowing individuals to focus on their health and well-being without the added stress of housekeeping tasks.

7. Frequent Travelers

For those who travel frequently, whether for work or leisure, coming home to a clean and well-maintained living space is a welcome relief. A residential cleaning service can ensure that your home is taken care of while you're away, giving you one less thing to worry about upon your return.

8. People Who Simply Dislike Cleaning

Let's face it – some people just don't enjoy cleaning. Whether it's the time-consuming nature of the task or a dislike for the physical labor involved, hiring a residential cleaning service can be a perfect solution for those who would rather spend their time doing other activities.


Regardless of your specific situation or reasons for seeking assistance with household cleaning tasks, hiring a residential deep cleaning service can provide numerous benefits, including a cleaner and healthier living environment, reduced stress, and more time for the things that truly matter. If you find yourself in one or more of these categories, it's worth considering investing in a professional cleaning service to improve your overall quality of living.

Are you in need of residential deep cleaning in Utah? Let Deez Cleaning Services take the burden of deep cleaning off your shoulders. Our professional and reliable team will leave your residence sparkling clean, allowing you to focus on the things that truly matter. Having a clean home brings happiness, and we want to help you achieve that. Book a cleaning today!

Deep House Cleaning: Does It Help People with Allergies?

Allergies are a common problem for many individuals and can be triggered by various factors, including dust, pollen, and pet dander. While medication and avoidance of allergens are common strategies to manage allergies, some people turn to deep house cleaning as a potential solution. But does deep house cleaning really help with allergies? In this article, we will explore the relationship between deep house cleaning and allergies to determine if it is an effective solution for allergy sufferers.

Allergy Season: What to Know

Allergy season typically occurs in the spring and fall when there is an increase in pollen and other allergens in the air. During this time, many individuals experience symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion. While medication can help alleviate these symptoms, some people turn to deep house cleaning as a way to reduce the amount of allergens in their homes.

How Deep House Cleaning Helps with Allergies

Deep house cleaning involves thoroughly cleaning every surface and area of the home, including carpets, furniture, and bedding. This can help remove allergens such as dust, pollen, and pet dander, which can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. Additionally, deep cleaning can help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants and irritants.

Deep cleaning can also help eliminate mold and mildew, which are common allergens that thrive in damp areas such as bathrooms and basements. Removing these allergens can reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions and improve overall respiratory health.

Moreover, deep cleaning can help eliminate pests such as dust mites and cockroaches, which are common allergens that can trigger asthma and other respiratory problems. By eliminating these pests, individuals can reduce their exposure to allergens and improve their overall health.

House Cleaning to Remove Pollen

1. Use a HEPA filter vacuum to remove pollen from carpets, upholstery, and curtains.

2. Use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces, including windows, walls, and furniture.

3. Wash bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, in hot water to remove pollen.

4. Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture airborne pollen.

5. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent pollen from entering the home.

6. Remove shoes before entering the home to prevent tracking in pollen.

7. Use a high-efficiency air filter in your HVAC system to capture pollen.

8. Use natural cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals to reduce the amount of toxins in the home.

9. When using cleaning products that contain chemicals, make sure the area is well-ventilated.

10. Wear gloves and protective clothing when using harsh cleaning products.

11. Dispose of toxic cleaning products properly according to local guidelines.

12. Consider switching to environmentally-friendly cleaning products to reduce the impact on the environment.

Why Deep House Cleaning Should Be Done Periodically

Deep house cleaning should be done periodically to maintain a healthy and safe living environment. Regular cleaning can remove surface dirt and dust, but deep cleaning can reach areas that are often overlooked, such as behind appliances, under furniture, and in corners. Here are some reasons why deep house cleaning should be done periodically:

1. Improve Air Quality

Dust, pet dander, and other allergens can accumulate in carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces, leading to poor indoor air quality. Deep cleaning can remove these contaminants and improve air quality.

2. Prevent the Spread of Germs

Regular cleaning can remove surface dirt and germs, but deep cleaning can eliminate hidden bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. This will also help reduce the risk of allergies from occurring.

3. Prolong the Life of Furniture and Appliances

Deep cleaning can remove dirt and grime that can damage furniture and appliances, helping them last longer.

4. Enhance the Appearance of Your Home

Deep cleaning can restore the look of carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces, making your home look and feel fresh and clean.


Deep house cleaning can be an effective way to alleviate allergies by removing allergens such as dust, pet hair, and mold from the home. However, it is important to note that deep cleaning alone may not be enough to completely eliminate allergy symptoms. Other measures such as using air purifiers, regularly changing air filters, and reducing humidity levels in the home may also be necessary. Additionally, it is important to identify the specific allergens causing the allergies through testing and consultations with a healthcare professional. Overall, deep house cleaning can be a helpful component in managing allergies, but it should be combined with other measures for optimal results.

If you are looking for deep house cleaning services, contact Deez Cleaning Services. Let us help you with all your cleaning needs today!

The Differences between Deep and Regular House Cleaning

Maintaining a clean and organized home is essential for a healthy and comfortable living environment. However, there are different levels of cleaning that one can undertake, depending on their needs and preferences. Two popular cleaning methods are deep cleaning and regular cleaning. In this article, we will explore the differences between the two cleaning methods.

What is Regular House Cleaning?

Regular house cleaning is the process of cleaning and organizing a home on a routine basis. This is typically done weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the household's needs. Regular cleaning involves performing basic cleaning tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and wiping down surfaces.

In principle, it aims to maintain a clean and tidy home. It helps reduce the dust, dirt, and bacteria in the home, improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of illness. Regular cleaning also helps prevent the buildup of clutter, making it difficult to find things and creating a stressful living environment.

What is Deep House Cleaning?

Deep house cleaning is a more thorough cleaning process that is done less frequently than regular cleaning. It typically involves cleaning areas that are not frequently cleaned during regular cleaning, such as behind appliances, inside cabinets, and underneath furniture. Deep cleaning also involves cleaning areas that may be difficult to reach or clean, such as high ceilings, walls, and light fixtures.

The purpose of deep cleaning is to remove dirt, dust, and grime that has built up over time. It helps to eliminate allergens and bacteria that can cause illness and create an unpleasant living environment. Deep cleaning also helps restore the home's appearance by removing stains, scuffs, and other marks.

What Are Their Main Differences?


One of the main differences between regular and deep house cleaning is the frequency at which they are done. Regular cleaning is done on a routine basis, while deep cleaning is done less frequently. Regular cleaning is typically done weekly or bi-weekly, while deep cleaning may only be done once or twice a year.


Another difference between regular and deep cleaning is the scope of the cleaning process. Regular cleaning involves basic cleaning tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces. Deep cleaning involves more thorough cleaning tasks such as cleaning behind appliances, inside cabinets, and under furniture. Deep cleaning also involves cleaning areas that may be difficult to reach or clean, such as high ceilings, walls, and light fixtures.


Deep cleaning takes more time than regular cleaning. Regular cleaning can usually be done in a few hours, while deep cleaning can take a full day or more, depending on the size and condition of the home.


Deep cleaning also tends to be more expensive than regular cleaning. This is because it involves more thorough cleaning tasks and may require specialized cleaning equipment or products.


Both regular and deep cleaning have their benefits. Regular cleaning helps maintain a clean and organized home, improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of illness. A deep cleaning helps remove dirt, dust, and grime that has built up over time, which can improve the home's appearance as well.


In conclusion, regular and deep cleaning are two different cleaning methods that serve different purposes. Regular cleaning is done on a routine basis and involves basic cleaning tasks, while deep cleaning is done less frequently and involves more thorough cleaning tasks. Both regular and deep cleaning have their benefits, and the choice of which method to use depends on the household's needs and preferences.

If you are looking for a company that offers deep house cleaning services in Utah, look no further than our expertise here at Deez Cleaning Services. We provide a wide range of cleaning services that are sure to bring out the beauty and tidiness of your home or office space. Call us today, and let us deep clean your residence in no time!

A Great Airbnb Host: 5 Cleaning Mistakes You Must Avoid

For many travelers, Airbnb has changed the way they experience a new city or country. The platform provides a unique opportunity to live like a local in someone else's home, often at a fraction of the cost of a hotel. For hosts, Airbnb can be a lucrative source of income, but only if the property is maintained to a high standard. One of the most critical aspects of hosting is keeping the property clean and well-maintained. This can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to the game or managing multiple listings.

To ensure the best experience for your guests and maintain a high rating, avoid these common cleaning mistakes:

1. Neglecting the Details

When it comes to cleaning your Airbnb property, it's the small details that can make a big difference. Guests quickly notice things like dust on the shelves, dirty dishes in the sink, or a stain on the carpet. To avoid negative reviews and maintain a high standard, make sure to pay attention to the little things that guests are likely to notice. This includes:

  • Dusting all surfaces, including shelves, window sills, and baseboards

  • Thoroughly cleaning the bathroom, including the toilet, shower, and sink

  • Washing and changing all linens and towels

  • Cleaning all kitchen appliances and surfaces, including the inside of the microwave and refrigerator

  • Vacuuming and mopping all floors

2. Using Harsh Chemicals

While it's essential to keep your property clean and germ-free, using harsh chemicals can cause more harm than good. Strong-smelling cleaning products can be off-putting to guests and may cause allergic reactions or other health issues. Instead, opt for eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for both your guests and the environment. Additionally, ensure to air out the property after cleaning to eliminate any lingering odors.

3. Forgetting about Outdoor Spaces

If your Airbnb property has an outdoor area, such as a patio, balcony, or garden, it's essential to maintain these spaces as well. Guests love to enjoy outdoor areas, and a well-maintained space can make a great impression. Be sure to:

  • Sweep and clean any outdoor furniture

  • Keep the lawn mowed and garden well-maintained

  • Clear away any debris, such as fallen leaves or branches

  • Ensure outdoor lighting is functional and clean

4. Overlooking Safety and Maintenance Issues

While cleanliness is crucial, it's also essential to ensure that your property is safe and well-maintained. Regularly inspect your property for any potential hazards, such as loose handrails, broken locks, or malfunctioning smoke detectors. On top of that, make sure all appliances are functioning correctly and address any maintenance issues promptly. By staying on top of these issues, you'll not only provide a safer environment for your guests but also prevent potential damage to your property.

5. Failing to Establish a Cleaning Routine

Finally, one of the most significant mistakes you can make as an Airbnb host is failing to establish a consistent cleaning routine. Without a proper schedule, it's easy to become overwhelmed, and cleaning tasks may be overlooked. To maintain a high standard of cleanliness, establish a routine that works for you and your property. This may include:

  • Scheduling regular deep cleans between bookings

  • Hiring a professional cleaning service if you're unable to clean the property yourself

  • Creating a checklist to ensure all cleaning tasks are completed

  • Investing in time-saving cleaning tools, such as a robotic vacuum or mop


By avoiding these common Airbnb cleaning mistakes, you'll be well on your way to maintaining a pristine and welcoming environment for your guests. Remember that a clean and well-maintained property is more likely to receive positive reviews and repeat bookings, ultimately leading to increased revenue for you as a host. Take the time to invest in your property's cleanliness and enjoy the benefits of being a successful Airbnb host!

Deez Cleaning Services offers professional cleaning services to help keep your property in the best shape possible! If you want an Airbnb cleaning service in Utah, work with us today.

5 Tips to Prepare Your House for a Professional Cleaning Service

Hiring a house cleaning service is a great way to tidy your home without doing the work yourself. However, before you invite a cleaning crew to your home, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. By doing so, you'll ensure a smooth and efficient cleaning process. Not only does it save time for the cleaning professionals, but it also helps them focus on the actual cleaning instead of organising clutter. 

In this article, we will go over some of the most important steps to prepare for a house cleaning service to get the most out of the experience.

Declutter your Home 

Before your cleaning crew arrives, it's essential to declutter your home. This means removing any unnecessary items from your space, such as old magazines, toys, or clothes that you no longer wear. Decluttering will make it easier for the cleaning crew to get to all the areas they need to clean, and it will also make your home look more organized and inviting.

Make a List of Areas that Need Special Attention 

While most house cleaning services offer a standard set of cleaning tasks, such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing bathrooms and kitchens, specific areas in your home may require extra attention.

For instance, you might want the crew to focus on cleaning your windows, deep cleaning your carpets or upholstery, or tackling any pet hair accumulated in your home. Make a list of these areas and discuss them with your cleaning crew before they arrive.

Communicate your Expectations 

Communication is vital when it comes to working with a house cleaning service. Before the cleaning crew arrives, make sure to get your expectations across clearly. Let them know what you want them to focus on, what areas of your home are off-limits, and any other special requests you may have. 

It's also important to discuss the cleaning products and tools the cleaning crew will use in your home, especially if you have any allergies or sensitivities.

Secure your Valuables 

While most house cleaning services are trustworthy and professional, taking precautions to protect your valuables is always a good idea. Before the cleaning crew arrives, secure valuable items such as jewellery, cash, or important documents in a safe place. This will give you peace of mind that your belongings are safe and secure during cleaning.

Clear the Way 

To make sure that the cleaning crew can access all areas of your home, it's essential to clear the way before they arrive. This means removing any obstacles, such as furniture, toys, or other items that may be in the way. 

You don't want your cleaning crew to have to navigate around items in your home, as this can slow down the cleaning process and make it more challenging for them to do their job effectively.


Preparing your home for a cleaning service may sound like an unnecessary hassle, but it can make a big difference in the quality of the cleaning you receive. By taking a little time to tidy up before the cleaners arrive, they can focus on the deep cleaning tasks that matter rather than wasting time picking up clutter or trying to work around obstacles. 

If you're looking for the most-recommended cleaning service in Utah, contact Deez Cleaning Services. Get premium quality cleaning at a price that makes sense. Request a quote today!

How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Home?: A Guide

Deep cleaning of your home is an important part of housekeeping that should be done regularly. It can help keep your home clean and organized, while also improving your air quality and reducing allergens. 

Deep cleaning involves cleaning surfaces and areas that are not typically part of a regular cleaning routine, such as behind furniture, inside cupboards and drawers, and in other hard-to-reach areas. 

It can also involve cleaning items that are not used often, such as fans, light fixtures, and appliances. While deep cleaning can be a time-consuming process, it can be done in stages and should be done on a regular basis to maintain a healthy and clean home.

How Does Deep Cleaning Work?

Deep cleaning is a thorough cleaning process that goes beyond the usual day-to-day cleaning of your home. It involves removing dust and debris from hard-to-reach places, such as behind and under appliances, furniture, and fixtures. It also includes scrubbing and disinfecting all surfaces in your home, including floors, walls, windows, and cabinets. 

Deep cleaning can help reduce allergens, improve air quality, and make your home feel fresher and cleaner. Depending on the size of your home and the condition it is in, deep cleaning can be done once a year or more often.

How Often Should You Be Deep Cleaning?

It is important to deep clean your home regularly to keep it free from dirt, dust and other allergens. Depending on the size of your home, the frequency of deep cleaning can vary. Generally, it is recommended that you deep clean your home at least once every three months. However, if you have pets, live in a dusty climate, or have small children, you may need to deep clean more often. 

In addition, it is important to spot clean frequently and do a full deep clean at least once a year. Taking the time to deep clean your home on a regular basis will help keep it looking and feeling fresh and clean.

How Often Should You Clean Your Bedsheets?

Cleaning your bedsheets should be done regularly to maintain the highest level of hygiene. It is recommended to wash your sheets at least once a week, or every two weeks if you don't sweat a lot. 

This will help keep dust mites, allergens and other contaminants at bay. If you have allergies or sensitive skin, it is a good idea to wash your bedsheets more often. Deep cleaning your home should be done at least once every three months to keep it looking and feeling clean and fresh.

How Do You Know if Your Home is Clean Enough?

Knowing when your home is clean enough can be tricky, but there are some key signs to look for. If you are able to check off all of these items, then your home is likely to be clean enough. 

However, it is important to remember that deep cleaning your home on a regular basis is essential for maintaining a healthy environment and should be done at least once a month.


Though it may require a significant effort, deep cleaning your home can be very rewarding, as it can make your home healthier and more comfortable to live in.

When it comes to deep cleaning your home, you can trust Deez Cleaning Services. We provide deep cleaning services in Utah to ensure safety for the whole family at home. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

Can Hiring Cleaning Services Improve Your Mental Health?

Maintaining a clean and organized environment is aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for one’s mental health. Studies have proven that clutter and chaos can cause stress and anxiety, and living in a clean, organized space can reduce stress levels. 

Hiring a professional cleaning company can be an effective way to maintain a healthy and stress-free environment. Professional cleaners are trained to provide efficient and thorough cleaning services and are equipped with the necessary supplies and cleaning tools. Doing so can save you time, energy, and money in the long run.

Maintaining a clean and organized home is important for mental health and well-being. While some people prefer to take on the responsibility of cleaning their homes independently, hiring a professional residential deep cleaning in Utah can be a great way to benefit your mental health. 

Here are some ways hiring a professional cleaning company can help improve your mental health:

Less Stress

Cleaning can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Hiring a professional cleaning company can help reduce the stress of taking on the job yourself. Knowing you have a reliable and trustworthy service to care for your home can help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your living environment.

Improved Mood

Cleaning can be a chore, and it’s not always enjoyable. Hiring a professional cleaning company can help lift the burden of cleaning off your shoulders and allow you to focus your time and energy on other, more enjoyable activities. This can help you feel more relaxed and in a better mood. 

More Family Time

Even though money cannot buy happiness, a study from the University of British Columbia found a connection between spending money on time and feeling better.

Time is a precious resource. Due to the obligations of their work, education, families, and household duties, many people struggle to find time to enjoy life. You can hire someone to clean your house so that you have more time to spend having fun with your friends and family. You cannot pay someone to do your work, study, or look after your children.

Added Time for Self-Care

Cleaning can take up a lot of time, and it can be not easy to find the time for self-care activities like exercising, reading, or spending time with friends and family when you’re busy cleaning. Hiring a professional cleaning company for deep cleaning services can help free up your time and allow you to focus on activities that promote your mental health and well-being. 

Fewer Allergens 

By hiring a professional cleaning company, you can also reduce the amount of dust and allergens in your home. Dust and allergens can harm your health, causing respiratory problems and other medical issues. A professional cleaning company can help eliminate dust and allergens from your home, reducing the risk of these health problems. When you’re healthier physically, it will surely affect your mental health!

Decreased Anxiety 

A clean home can also be a great way to reduce anxiety and depression. Clutter and mess can be overwhelming and increase anxiety and depression. A clean home can help create a sense of calm and order, benefiting mental health.

Increased Productivity

A clean environment can help you stay focused and productive. When your home is clean and organized, it’s easier to find what you need and stay organized. This can help you be more productive in other areas of your life. 

Better Quality of Life

Living in a clean, organized environment can help you feel more comfortable and content. A clean home can help you relax, feel more comfortable, and enjoy a better quality of life.


Hiring cleaning services can have significant mental health benefits. It can help reduce stress and anxiety by eliminating the need to worry about cleaning, freeing up time to focus on other activities, and helping to maintain a healthy and comfortable living space. 

Additionally, it can help lift spirits and increase motivation by providing an aesthetically pleasing and clean environment and boost self-esteem by eliminating the feeling of being overwhelmed. Hiring a cleaning company is an excellent way to improve mental health and well-being.

Go no further than Deez Cleaning Services in Utah if you need a thorough residential deep cleaning! Your property will look and feel its finest thanks to the residential deep cleaning in Utah provided by our skilled and qualified personnel. Call us right away to make an appointment.

5 Ways Professional Cleaners Do Deep Cleaning Better

Everybody wants to live in a clean house. So now and then, some of us try to find the time to clean our home's surfaces more thoroughly than usual. We may use stronger chemicals than usual, scrub more vigorously, or do deep cleaning tasks such as steam cleaning carpets or upholstery.

While trying to clean your home more thoroughly is an admirable goal, it is crucial to remember that doing so without the proper tools and techniques can do more harm than good. 

For example, Using the wrong cleaning products for a given surface can damage it, leading to costly repairs. Additionally, using commercial-grade cleaning products without the proper equipment can release chemicals into the air that can be harmful to your health. 

For the best deep cleaning results, hiring deep cleaning services is best. Here are five ways professional cleaners do deep cleaning better.

1. Access to Professional-Grade Cleaning Products and Tools

Professional cleaners can use professional-grade cleaning products and tools to tackle tough stains and dirt, breaking them down quickly and effectively. These products are designed to penetrate deep into surfaces, making it easier for the cleaner to eliminate dirt and grime that standard cleaning methods may have missed. Additionally, these products are often more potent than those available to the public, allowing for a deeper clean.

2. Knowledge of Proper Cleaning Techniques

 Professional cleaners are well-versed in the best options for different surfaces and areas of the home. For instance, they know which cleaning solutions and brushes work best for tile floors and carpets. They also understand the importance of using safe products for humans, pets, and the environment.

In addition to having the right products and equipment, professional cleaners also understand the importance of using the proper techniques. This means they know how to dust, vacuum, mop, and scrub. They also know the best techniques for tackling tough stains and stuck-on grime.

3. Attention to Detail

When you hire a team of deep cleaners, they will come equipped with all the necessary tools and supplies to clean your home. This could include vacuums, mops, sponges, buckets, and more. They will also have access to cleaning products that you may not have at home, such as specialty sprays, polishes, and degreasers. 

The team of deep cleaners will also be able to use their expertise to spot any areas that may need extra attention. This could be in the form of scrubbing hard-to-reach corners, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning out hard-to-access areas of the home. They can also focus on areas you may forget, such as baseboards, windows, and light fixtures.

4. Time-Saving

Instead of spending hours scrubbing and cleaning every surface in your home, professional cleaners can take care of the job for you. This can free up your time for other tasks, such as spending time with your family or doing other chores.

5. Health Benefits

Professional cleaners use products and techniques to remove dirt, dust, and other allergens from your home. This can help improve the home's air quality and reduce the risk of allergies and other respiratory illnesses. 

Since professional deep cleaners are appropriately trained to handle commercial-grade cleaning solutions, they can ensure that any chemical byproduct is disposed of correctly and that your family is not exposed to dangerous fumes or toxins.


Hiring deep cleaning services is an excellent way to ensure your home is thoroughly and safely cleaned. Professional deep cleaners have the expertise, knowledge, and equipment to provide a superior clean that is impossible with traditional cleaning methods. Not only will your home be cleaner and fresher, but you can also enjoy a variety of health benefits that can help improve the air quality in the home and reduce the risk of allergies and other respiratory illnesses.

If you're looking for a comprehensive residential deep cleaning in Utah, look no further than Deez Cleaning Services in Utah! Our experienced and certified professionals can provide a thorough clean that is designed to make your home look and feel its best. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

House Deep Cleaning: Top 5 Benefits of Thorough Cleaning

Deep cleaning your home can be a daunting task, but it can be immensely beneficial. Deep cleaning your home is a process that should be done at least once a week to keep it looking and feeling fresh. It keeps your home looking clean and organized and has other benefits that can improve the quality of your life and the environment around you.

It's possible to think that all the dirt and filth have been removed since you clean your house once a week. Yet, you should be aware that thorough cleaning differs from daily tasks.

Regular cleaning typically includes sweeping and vacuuming the floors, dusting the furniture, fixtures, and tables, emptying the trash, and organizing all of the small items in the home. 

On the other hand, thorough cleaning removes all of the dirt, grime, and embedded filth in addition to the bacteria and germs. Most of the time, it cleans the areas that regular cleaning leaves out. It is, therefore, generally a good idea to consider deep cleaning your home once every week.

Professional deep house cleaning services, such as those offered by businesses, can help you eliminate filthy, disgusting stuff from your home's cracks and crevices while boosting appeal. The following are some advantages of doing a thorough cleaning every week:

Improves the Quality of Indoor Air

Poor indoor air quality is bad for your and your family's health. Your home's dust can irritate your eyes and cause hay fever, asthma, sneezing, and coughing outbreaks. Thorough cleaning can significantly improve the indoor air quality in your home by effectively removing any dust particles.

Eliminates Bacteria and Viruses

Homes that are not kept clean are typically havens for many rogue bacteria and diseases. You'll find most viruses and bacteria in your house in the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. Even if quick surface wipe-downs may deter bugs, deep cleaning should still be considered because it can eliminate the dangerous substances that lurk beneath those areas.

You may be sure that all bacteria and viruses in your home have been removed by hiring professionals to undertake a deep clean. For further details on how to sanitize your home, see this post.

Reduces the Intensity of Allergic Symptoms

You may have an allergy if you frequently have flu-like symptoms, including watery or dry eyes, a runny nose, and a sore throat. Certain allergens are regularly found indoors, although many, like pollen, are found outdoors. 

Two common allergens, dust mites, and pet dander, can have long-term detrimental effects, particularly for persons with respiratory problems like asthma.

By getting rid of these irritants with a weekly deep clean, you can minimize the severity of these allergy symptoms. This is so that thorough cleaning will remove allergens from places like rafters, light fixtures, and the areas behind furniture. 

Maintains Cleanliness 

With routine cleaning, the surfaces and nooks of your kitchen will remain tidy and organized. But extensive cleaning is the best option if you want it to be spotless.

Even while thorough cleaning takes more time, it guarantees that any food buildup inside has been eliminated and that the microwave is clean. Your toaster and coffee maker are just two tiny items that will get a good cleaning and sanitizing.

Clearing the burnt food collected on your stove's surfaces can enhance its appearance and smell.

Improves Your Mood

You'll feel good living in a clean environment, which can make you feel better every day. Deep cleaning is the greatest approach to keeping your house spotless, even though regular cleaning can keep it tidy every day of the week.

Decluttering and organizing your home may be aided by a thorough cleaning. Since it involves cleaning inaccessible locations, you can be confident that your home will always be tidy and organized. Selecting a dependable expert cleaner who can fully clean your property is all required.


These are a handful of the numerous benefits of weekly deep cleaning services. Schedule routine deep cleanings to maintain your home free of germs. You can perform a deep cleaning on your own. Yet, hiring professionals to do the job for you might be beneficial if you're overworked. A professional deep cleaning service will use only safe, high-quality cleaning tools and supplies, and you can be sure your home will be thoroughly cleaned.

Deez Cleaning Services helps you with all your cleaning needs. Contact us if you need deep house cleaning services!

Here's Why You Need a Regular Professional House Cleaner

Having a clean and tidy home is essential for your health and well-being. However, finding the time and energy to keep your home clean and tidy regularly can be challenging. That's why hiring a professional house cleaner can be a great solution. Here are eight reasons why you should consider hiring a regular professional house cleaner for your home:

1. Save Time

With a professional house cleaner, you can save much time and energy that would otherwise be spent on cleaning. This means you can spend more time doing what you want and less worrying about cleaning.

2. Get Quality Cleaning

Professional house cleaners are experts at providing a comprehensive cleaning service. They have the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure your home is sparkling clean, free of dirt and dust, and looking its best.

3. Better Health

Having a neat and well-organized home can positively impact your well-being. Hiring a professional cleaner to come in and take care of the cleaning can help reduce the amount of dust and other allergens in the home, which can reduce the chance of getting sick or having an allergic reaction.

4. More Hygienic

House cleaners take the necessary steps to ensure your home is free from dirt, dust, and germs. They use the highest quality products and techniques to ensure your house is clean and sanitary, providing a safe and healthy environment for your family.

5. Eco-Friendly

Professional house cleaners use cleaning supplies made from natural ingredients that are not harmful to the environment. These products are designed to be safe for the environment and help reduce the number of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere.

6. Cost-Effective

Hiring a skilled housekeeper to clean your home can be a more economical solution than doing it yourself. Professional cleaners offer reasonable prices and can deliver excellent results for your cleaning needs.

7. Stress-Free

Hiring a qualified and experienced house cleaner can be a great way to ensure your home is in top shape and free of clutter. This can assure that your home is clean and tidy, allowing you to be more relaxed and stress-free.

8. Customizable

Housekeepers can tailor their services to fit your requirements. This way, you can have the precise cleaning you need for your residence.

How to Hire a Professional House Cleaner

Start by asking friends and family for referrals. You can also look online for reviews of local house cleaners. Once you have a few options, ask for a quote and discuss the included services. You should also ask about their experience and any special certifications they may have.

Final Thoughts

These are just some reasons you should consider hiring a regular professional house cleaner for your home. A professional house cleaner can help to keep your home clean and tidy while saving you time and energy. They can also help to reduce the risk of health problems and provide you with a more hygienic and eco-friendly home. So, if you're looking for a reliable and cost-effective way to keep your home clean and tidy, hiring a professional house cleaner is an excellent option.

Deez Cleaning Services is a professional house cleaning company that provides high-quality and efficient services. We offer deep cleaning, regular house cleaning, carpet cleaning, and window cleaning. Our experienced and friendly team will ensure that all your cleaning needs are met. Contact us today to learn more about our affordable cleaning service.

Reasons Why You Need a Professional Cleaning Service

It’s no secret that maintaining a clean and tidy home can be a difficult task. With the demands of everyday life, it can be not easy to find time to do all the necessary tasks to keep your home in top condition. That’s why more and more people are turning to professional cleaning services to help keep their homes clean and tidy. Here are eight reasons why you should consider hiring a professional cleaning service.

1. They Save You Time

One of the most obvious advantages of using a professional cleaning service is that it saves you time. This is especially true for busy individuals who don’t have the time to keep their homes clean and tidy.

2. They Use Professional Products and Tools

Professional cleaning services use professional products and tools to get the job done. These products and tools are specifically designed to get deep into the nooks and crannies of your home and ensure that everything is as clean as possible.

3. They are Highly Trained

Professional cleaning services employ highly trained cleaners who know how to do the job correctly. You don’t have to worry about them missing out on areas or doing a shoddy job.

4. They Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Most professional cleaning services use eco-friendly cleaning products that are safer for both you and the environment. This is important for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint and ensure that their home is as clean as possible without putting the environment at risk.

5. They Can Customize Services

Professional cleaning services are highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the needs of your home. This means you don’t have to worry about paying for services you don’t need or don’t use.

6. They are Cost Efficient

Professional cleaning services are usually much more cost-efficient than doing the job yourself. This is because they can provide discounts for multiple services without paying for supplies or tools.

7. They Provide a Cleaner Home

Professional cleaning services provide a much cleaner home than you could ever achieve. This is because they have the knowledge, experience, and products to do the job correctly.

8. They Help You Stay on Top of Cleaning

Professional cleaning services also help you stay on top of your cleaning. They can come regularly to ensure your home is always clean and tidy. This can be a great way to make sure that your home looks its best at all times.

Hire a Professional Cleaner

Hiring a professional cleaner is a great way to keep your home clean and tidy. Professional cleaners have the necessary experience and knowledge to do the job correctly. They also have access to the best cleaning products and tools to ensure your home is thoroughly cleaned. In addition, professional cleaners can provide discounts for multiple services and can come regularly to help you stay on top of your cleaning.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning services provide many benefits, such as time and energy savings, cleanliness and hygiene, peace of mind, and the ability to customize the service to meet your needs. They use effective and safe cleaning products and equipment, allowing you to achieve an attractive and healthy environment.

Deez Cleaning Services offers affordable deep cleaning and quality service for our clients. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable cleaners is dedicated to delivering superior results. We use the latest and safest cleaning products and equipment to ensure that your home or office is spotless and germ-free. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

Why You Should Deep Clean Your Home Before Moving into It

Moving into a new home can be an exciting time, but there’s a lot of work that needs to be done before you move in. One of the most important tasks for any new homeowner is giving their new home a deep clean before settling in. Deep cleaning your home before moving in is essential for a number of reasons.

Prevent Allergies and Other Health Risks

Deep cleaning your home before moving in is an essential step in preventing allergies and other health risks. Cleaning the home will get rid of dirt, dust, pollen, and other allergens that can cause allergic reactions. Additionally, vacuuming and mopping will help to remove any potential mold spores that could be lurking in the carpets and other areas of the home. This will help to reduce the risk of developing an allergy or other respiratory issues related to mold exposure.

It is also important to clean and sanitize any appliances that are being brought into the home. This will help to remove any bacteria that could be lingering on the surfaces. This bacteria can cause illnesses and can also lead to the development of allergies if exposed to it frequently.

Get Rid of Pests

When moving into a new home, it is important to deep clean your home before settling in. This way, you can get rid of any pests or insects that may be living in the house. Pests can quickly become a problem, as they can spread diseases, contaminate food, and cause damage to the home. Deep cleaning your home will help to eliminate current pests and prevent future infestations.

Deep cleaning your home involves scrubbing, vacuuming, mopping, and dusting every corner of the house. Pay close attention to areas that are prone to pests, such as cracks and crevices, baseboards, window and door frames, and around furniture. You should also inspect all areas of the house for signs of pests, such as droppings, webs, and egg sacs. If you find any evidence of pests, contact a pest control professional to help get rid of them. Additionally, you may want to seal any cracks, holes, or gaps to prevent future infestations. Taking these steps will help you ensure that you and your family have a safe and pest-free home.

Ensure a Fresh Start

A fresh start is important, especially when it comes to moving into a new home. To ensure that you have a truly fresh start, it is essential that you deep clean your new home before moving in. Deep cleaning your new home will help to remove any dirt, dust, and other contaminants that have been left behind by the previous occupants, giving you a clean and hygienic environment to call your own. It will also help to ensure that your new home is free of any hazardous materials that may have been overlooked during the inspection process.

Deep cleaning your home before moving in will also provide you with peace of mind knowing that everything is safe and ready for you to settle in. Cleaning your home thoroughly will also give you the opportunity to identify any potential problems, such as blocked drains, faulty electrical wiring, or termite infestations, that may have been missed during the inspection process. Taking the time to deep clean your new home is essential for ensuring that you and your family can enjoy a fresh start in your new home.

Final Thoughts

Deep cleaning your home before moving in is a smart decision. It is the best way to ensure that the environment you are living in is healthy, clean, and safe. Deep cleaning your home before moving in can prevent the spread of disease, reduce the risk of allergies and asthma, and help maintain a stress-free home. All in all, deep cleaning your home before moving in is the best way to ensure a healthy and safe living environment for you and your family.

Create a fresh start in your new home with the help of Deez Cleaning Services. We are a cleaning service in Utah that aims to deliver the best cleaning experience, trained and trusted cleaners, and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions to every family of every background. Book now!

Here's Why You Should Get Regular Airbnb Cleaning

Being an Airbnb host requires more than just setting up a room and waiting for guests. It requires being organized, responsive, and aware of your guests' needs. Hosts must be prepared to manage their online presence, answer customer inquiries, fix any damage or issues, and take care of marketing and replacing worn-out appliances. Taking the time to do all these things can help maintain high ratings from Airbnb and make hosting a successful and profitable venture.

Here are some benefits of regular Airbnb cleaning:

1. Have More Five-Star Ratings

As an Airbnb host, hiring a cleaning service will provide several benefits. Your rental unit will look and smell clean and be clean and healthy. This will help you meet your guests' expectations and make them happy. You will also have more time to advertise and manage your rental and more time for yourself. Your guests will be happier, leading to better reviews and ratings and more bookings and money. By investing in Airbnb cleaning, the time you spend cleaning up between guests will be much less than before.

2. Keep Clutter At a Minimum

When it comes to cleaning your Airbnb, less is more. To ensure your rental is as neat as possible, pare down the items you have in it. You don't have to get rid of everything, but the extra knick-knacks and decorations that don't contribute to the overall look and feel of the space will help keep it neat and organized. This will not only help you during cleaning time, but it will also create a more modern and inviting atmosphere for your guests.

3. Meet Customer Expectations

As a host on Airbnb, it is important to ensure that your guests have a pleasant and clean stay. Guests expect your rental to be as clean or cleaner as a nice hotel, and meeting these expectations can help your ratings and success as a host. Consider hiring a professional Airbnb cleaning service to ensure your rental meets these standards. This way, you can be sure that your rental is clean and up to the standards that your guests expect.

4. Get Affordable Professional Cleaning

Keeping your rental property clean and presentable as a host requires time and effort. This includes regularly cleaning the space, removing rust stains, washing windows, dusting surfaces, and removing cobwebs. Additionally, you should attend to any repairs or maintenance issues as soon as possible to maintain the quality of your rental. To ensure your unit looks spotless for your guests, you should put in the extra work and effort to keep it up to par.


Regular Airbnb cleaning is a great way to ensure your rental property is kept clean, comfortable, and safe for your guests. Regular cleaning services will help you maintain a high standard of hygiene and cleanliness and provide a more professional and polished look for your rental property. It will also help reduce the time and effort spent cleaning, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Finally, regular Airbnb cleaning services will help to protect your investment and increase the value of your rental property.

From busy families to busy professionals in Utah and Salt Lake County, everyone who chooses Deez Cleaning Services says the same thing: Incredible! Our clients choose us for our quality work and professional attitude. Our experienced cleaners strive for perfection and won’t stop until your home is clean and you are satisfied. We are committed to offering fast, reliable service at a price that makes sense, backed by our 100% quality service guarantee. If you’re looking for Airbnb cleaning services in Utah, book with us today!

Find Out What Happens to a Home without Deep Cleaning Here

It's all too common for us to find ourselves with a home that requires a deep cleaning due to a lack of time and energy. The longer we procrastinate and put off tidying up, the harder it becomes to get rid of the built-up dirt and grime. Cleaning is an essential task, and it's important to stay on top of it to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment. 

But despite the task's difficulty, it is necessary to tackle the buildup of dirt and dust to keep our living space in good condition. Wouldn’t it just be easier to put it off? You could, but here’s exactly what happens to a home without any cleaning done.

Worse Allergies

Dust mites are a common cause of allergies and asthma, and a dirty house can aggravate their proliferation. Common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes and skin. Keeping your house clean can help reduce these symptoms.

These pesky critters are microscopic creatures that feed off of dead skin cells. To prevent them from spreading, items like bedding, furniture, curtains, rugs, carpets, toys, and stuffed animals should be washed in very hot temperatures (at least 130°F) and kept in an environment with low humidity (between 30 to 50 percent). Cleaning these items frequently with vacuuming, wet mopping, dusting, and washing can also help to keep dust mites away.

Mold Growth Where It’s Moist

Mold is a fungus that grows and spreads when moisture is around. It spreads through tiny spores that are carried through the air. Mold often grows in damp and humid places, such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchen sinks, window frames, basements, and other areas that must be properly sealed.

To remove mold from a surface, first use a mold cleaner such as bleach, borax, or vinegar to treat the area. Then use a soft brush to scrub the surface until all the molds have been removed.

Filthy Bedding and Sheets

The Sleep Foundation suggests that bedding should be laundered at least every two weeks or more often if you tend to sweat significantly during sleep. Cleaning your sheets and blankets regularly will help to avoid the accumulation of dust mites, dirt, hair, pet fur, oils, food remnants, and other unpleasant substances in your bed.

To eliminate pesky insects or dust mites, perform a deep cleaning on your bed linens and sheets using hot, soapy water. The water should be at least 130°F (60°C) to ensure complete eradication.

More Pests

Decaying food and rubbish can draw in insects and other crawling critters, not discarding garbage. These uninvited visitors may decide to linger, bringing more difficulties than a smelly area. They may even propagate germs and illnesses throughout the residence. Removing the garbage lessens the danger of contamination and prevents vermin from residence.

Clutter can be a real eyesore, but it can benefit animals looking for shelter or a free meal. Stacks of books, mountains of clothes, and knick-knacks may provide a haven or even food for critters. So, while it might not be the most attractive sight, it can be a welcome refuge for little critters.

To Close

Skipping a good clean at home just invites more bacteria, mold, and pests to infest your home and cause all sorts of problems for your loved ones. Stop putting it off; get your vacuum, broom, and dustpan ready to get rid of all that dust in every nook and cranny.

Let Deez Cleaning Services Help

Deez Cleaning Services makes your area healthy and happy again by providing services such as house, office, and deep cleaning in Utah, to name a few. Get your free quote today by visiting our website or calling (385) 336-7280!

Deep Cleaning a House: When and How Often Should You Do It?

If you're looking to give your home an intensive clean, it's time for a deep clean. This cleaning goes beyond the everyday chores such as vacuuming and wiping down surfaces and focuses on the hard-to-reach and often neglected areas like the oven and ceiling fan blades. 

This thorough cleaning should be done at least a few times a year to rid your home of slow-building dirt and grime. Whether you hire a service or do it yourself, deep cleaning will give your home a much-needed clean.

When to Deep Clean Your Home

Once the weather turns warm, it's time to give your home a thorough, deep clean. This more intense cleaning considers all the little spots around the house that have accumulated dirt and grime over time. 

It's not something that needs to be done often—usually just a couple times a year—however, you can break it up into smaller tasks and complete it over a few weeks. Deep cleaning often involves more than standard cleanings, such as washing walls if requested. Keep in mind that this may incur an additional fee.

Standard vs. Deep Cleaning

Maintaining a consistent level of cleanliness in your home can make deep cleaning much easier. Regular house cleaning involves completing all the tasks you need to do regularly to maintain a neat and orderly household. Putting items away, wiping up spills, and taking care of pet issues are just a few of the tasks needed to keep your home in an appropriate state for visitors. 

If you are unsure how often you should clean your home, doing so once a week should keep it in good condition. You don't have to dedicate one day to cleaning; you can break up the tasks throughout the week.

Breaking Down Deep Cleaning into Smaller Tasks

Rather than doing a full-on deep clean all at once, you can break it down into smaller tasks that can be done more frequently. Start by gathering up any items that are out of place. Then you can tackle each room separately, focusing on the bedrooms/living rooms, bathrooms/laundry room, and kitchen. This will make it easier to manage and will help protect any items from getting dusty. Give each room the attention it needs, and you will be able to keep your home looking and feeling its best.

How Often to Deep Clean a Home

Generally, it is wise to perform a deep cleaning of your house at least twice a year. This will help ensure that paint, baseboards, windows, and other surfaces are kept in good condition and that your home is safe from unpleasantness like mold and bacteria. Depending on the living environment, such as if there are children or pets, it may be necessary to clean more frequently. 

If the task of deep cleaning seems too much to handle, you can always call a professional to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Ask the house cleaning companies what their recommended frequency is for your home and budget. You don't have to do it all in one day; just focus on one room at a time; it shouldn't be too difficult.


Deep cleaning your house is an important task that should not be overlooked. It should be done regularly. Pay attention to areas often overlooked, such as windows, vents, and baseboards. It also helps to have a plan or checklist for deep cleaning to ensure that everything is taken care of. Taking the time to deep clean your house will help make it a healthy and comfortable environment for everyone.

From busy families to busy professionals in Utah and Salt Lake County, everyone who chooses Deez Cleaning Services says the same thing: Incredible! Our clients choose us for our quality work and professional attitude. Our experienced cleaners strive for perfection and won’t stop until your home is clean and you are satisfied. We are committed to offering fast, reliable service at a price that makes sense, backed by our 100% quality service guarantee. If you’re looking for affordable deep cleaning in Utah, book with us today!

Benefits of Cleaning Services in Contemporary Society: A Guide

In the modern era, professional cleaning services are becoming increasingly popular in both commercial and residential settings. These services provide an efficient and cost-effective way to keep your home or office clean and well-maintained. Professional cleaning services offer numerous benefits that are beneficial to contemporary society. From providing a healthy environment to increasing the productivity of employees, there are many reasons to consider professional cleaning services.

Here is a list of the best benefits professional cleaning services can offer.

1 - Create a Healthy Environment

The most important benefit of professional cleaning services is that they help create a healthy environment. Professional cleaners use specialized cleaning equipment and methods to thoroughly clean and disinfect all areas of the home or office. This helps to reduce the risk of infection and can help to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. In addition, many professional cleaners use green cleaning products that are non-toxic and biodegradable. This ensures that your home or office remains free of toxic chemicals and pollutants.

2 - Improve Productivity

Another benefit of professional cleaning services is that they can improve the productivity of employees. A clean, organized environment can help employees stay focused and productive. This can result in increased job satisfaction, improved morale, and higher levels of productivity. Additionally, a clean office space can attract potential clients, making it easier to close deals and increase profits.

3 - Save Time and Money

Professional cleaning services can also save time and money. Professional cleaners are trained to clean quickly and efficiently, allowing you to save time that would otherwise be spent cleaning yourself. Additionally, professional cleaners often offer special discounts and packages, allowing you to save money on your cleaning services.

Finally, professional cleaning services provide peace of mind. Knowing that your home or office is clean and well-maintained can provide a sense of comfort and security. Professional cleaning services are reliable and trustworthy, ensuring that your space is always clean and safe.

4 - Reduce Fatigue and Stress

Cleaning can be a physically and mentally demanding task, and it can often be difficult to find the time and energy to keep up with the regular cleaning necessary to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment. Professional cleaning services can take the burden off of you, allowing you to relax and enjoy your home or office without worrying about the state of cleanliness. Additionally, professional cleaners use high-quality cleaning products that are designed to reduce allergens and bacteria, helping to reduce fatigue and stress.

5 - Keep Your Home Spic and Span

When you hire a professional cleaning service, you can be sure that your home or office will always be spick and span. Professional cleaners are highly trained and experienced, and they use the latest tools and techniques to ensure that your space is always sparkling clean. Additionally, professional cleaners can identify and eliminate any potential health and safety hazards, ensuring that your home or office is free from germs and bacteria.


Professional cleaning services provide a great benefit to society in the contemporary world. Not only do they ensure a clean and healthy environment, but they also provide convenience and efficiency for those who don't have the time or energy to do it themselves. Professional cleaning services are also more affordable than ever before due to the competition in the industry. Furthermore, the use of advanced technology has made it even more efficient and cost-effective. Professional cleaning services are a great asset to any home or business and can make a big difference in the overall health and cleanliness of the space.

If you are looking for an affordable cleaning service, contact Deez Cleaning Services. Let our team help you with all your cleaning needs today!